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Photography is my passion. Through the lens the world looks different and i would like to show you this difference. You can see it in my albums that are presented here.

Transports BA125 Meeting 29082024
Social Instagram
City, Travel Photos Paris
Travel Photos Auvergne
Nature Photos, Paysages, Travel Photos Montagnes
Art, City, Paysages Statues
Architecture, Travel Photos Lieux de culte
Animal Oiseaux
Architecture, Paysages Ponts et viaducs
Transports Avions
Animal Félins
Transports Voitures
City, Paysages, Travel Photos Toscane
Personal Session, Travel Photos Rebecca T.
Personal Session Sallya K.
City Marseille
Paysages Colorado Provençal
Paysages, Travel Photos Corse
Paysages Les Calanques de Marseille
Nature Photos Fleurs episode 1
City Mexico city
Commercial Photos Les liqueurs de Casinca
Showcase Rome
Showcase Marseille B&W
City Marseille B&W
City Rome

Nice to meet you, friend! My name is Adrew Shade. I’m a professional photographer from Denver, Colorado. If you have any questions, suggestions or you just want to book a photo session feel free to use the contact form below. Lets make something great together!

My Contacts and SocialsHow to Find Me

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